ATOM Kids is a response to the demand in the Children’s eyewear sector for quality product at affordable price. Brand shouldn’t really mean expensive. Brand reflects assurance of quality and promise of reliability. And children are not affected by brand names, they deserve the best that one could provide. This is where ATOM Kids provides a solution.
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Children’s eyes
Are highly sensitive till they achieve the age 11 and hence more susceptible to the dangers of the Sun. Children should be advised to wear sunglasses when playing outdoors. This could possibly help protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the sun.
The extreme sensitivity of children’s eyes can be visible through two factors
- Lens Development
- Blinking

The part of the eye that allows it to adapt to light is The LENS. When outdoors the lens helps in filtering out the various UV rays naturally. However this isn’t the case in children as the natural filter of the lens is not fully development until adulthood.
The minimum age at which the protective filter becomes active is at the age of 11 and above. Before this age more than 75% of the UV rays are let through by the lens. Approximately 10% of UV rays are filtered between 0 to 1 years, 40% is filtered between 1 to 11 years. From 11 years onwards the UV rays filtering is increased due to the fact that the lens becomes opaque and this helps in the development of the natural filter of UV rays. Further information of “the ages of eyesight” is available on the ASNAV website (the French national association for improving vision).
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